Bet ya thought I forgot about ya
Hi Friends ----- Bet ya thought I forgot about ya. Things have been sooooo crazy I have no idea where to start. Between the Holidays, Company, Traveling, Visiting with Friends (both old and new) and starting my own business, my life has been anything but normal. Yep, you heard me right, I’m now a small business owner. With mom and dads help (because I can’t type real good) I made the jump into the business world. Dad wasn’t really for it but I laid on his feet a few nights and he finely came around (I learned that trick the first winter dad and I were at home while mom was on the road). I spend lots of time thinking up new ideas and resting, then let mom and dad do the rest. The hardest part of this business thing is coming up with a title befitting a dog of my stature. CEO, President or Chairman of the Board sounds so --- so human. I was thinking something like CIC (canine in charge) or “Big Bow Wow”. I kind of favor “Big Bow Wow”. What do you think? Let me know. Better run for now ---- there’s thinking and resting to do.
Remember Guys and Gals, Baxter’s Philosophy is:
“Sitting, Shaking, and Rolling Over are all cute tricks, but laying on their feet will make them putty in your paws.”
“May you always have a warm home, a blanket to lay on and a treat in your belly at bedtime” Till next time -------- Baxter