Saturday, February 03, 2007

Stale Treats

Hi Friends --- Here’s one that really ought to ruffle your fur.
“Stale Treats” -----

Now I don’t want to brag but when it comes to quality treats I consider myself a master, a connoisseur of those tender tasty morsels that, when they touch your lips, your mouth waters, your tail wags and your body shakes uncontrollably in apprehension. It is then that we realize that we have been reduced to a quivering ball of fur that would do almost anything for the next one!

Therefore when we are given a treat it should be a fresh, mouth watering treat, and not some stale, shriveled-up piece of who knows what; something that has been in the cupboard for ions and has begun to metamorphose into a completely different species. I always get nervous when mom says “honey, do you know what this is” and dad says without looking, “I have no idea, give it to Baxter.” That’s when the problem begins.

Everyone knows we are supposed to swallow fast (forget chewing) and prepare for the next treat (that is just one of the many things that make us cute). By the time our brains tell us “stale treat”, it’s too late! The treat has reached the stomach and there is only one, possibility two, ways to get that “stale treat” back out and we can not be held responsible for either.

So listen, take a moment to smell, even lick that treat, slow down and proceed with caution. I guarantee that the quality and quantity of your treat experiences will do nothing but increase.

“May you always have a warm home, a blanket to lay on and a treat in your belly at bedtime”

Till next time -------- Baxter

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